Saturday, April 26, 2008

From Little State to Little Guys

Alert to illegal immigrants: avoid small states whose governors are strapped for cash.

Last month Rhode Island Governor Don Carcieri signed an executive order commanding state police to intensify their enforcement of immigration control. Not coincidentally, the state currently has a budget deficit of $568 million. The current budget proposal will cut funding from education, social services, and aid to communities. These same state services are stressed by the illegal families already, which mean the stage is set for state services to go down the drain. It is no comfort that similar orders have cost counties huge amounts elsewhere, such as Prince William County in Virginia.

In addition to fiscal overheads, minority communities have expressed fiery concerns over the social impact of such an order. Racial profiling and unnecessary investigations will undoubtedly increase with more police power. It’s also notable that illegal immigrants are easy political targets with no vote and no voice.

Although Governor Carcieri is doing the federal government a favor by testing policy that they (the Republicans) would love to have, he also blames the federal government for the problems in his state. Now the state must fend for itself, and it’s doing so aggressively. Targeting the little man seems to be the goal for the littlest state. Unfortunately, the move is costing the big guys big bucks and public trust.


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