Friday, April 25, 2008

Is it Enough?

On Tuesday April 22nd Democrats flocked to the Pennsylvania presidential primary in record numbers. Sen. Clinton has been trailing behind Sen. Obama in the delegate race and this primary was crucial for her campaign. Fortunately for Sen. Clinton she was able to win the state by a narrow lead of 10% and prevented a swell of delegates in Sen. Obama’s favor. Had Sen. Clinton lost the primary, she would have been forced to drop out of the race. Sen. Obama is still leading the race but as the Washington Post puts it, Sen. Clinton’s win “only further muddled a race that has stretched on for nearly four months and has sharply divided the party.”

Exit polls show that voters were generally well divided between Sen. Obama and Sen. Clinton. However, 69% of the voters felt that Sen. Obama could bring change and 94% felt that Sen. Clinton has the right experience. Exit polls also showed that race played a large role in voting decisions with 62% of white voters in Sen. Clinton’s favor and 89% of black voters in Sen. Obama’s favor.

Although Sen. Clinton was able to win Pennsylvania her campaign is losing steam as her funds run low. With a growing support Obama is able to spend more than double the amount on advertisement than Sen. Clinton and with the upcoming primaries it is imperative that Sen. Clinton raises more money fast. In her Pennsylvania victory speech she pleaded to her supporters to send the money that her campaign needs. For now her pleads work because her campaign reports that it raised over $2.5 million over night. But will it be enough for Clinton to finally gain a lead and win the Democratic primary? Only time will tell as the impending Indiana and North Carolina primaries draw closer.


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