Thursday, April 24, 2008

If businessmen were angels

This week, Republicans in the Senate successfully stopped an attempt by Democrats to overturn a Supreme Court decision that limited pay discrimination suits. The failure of this measure can be seen as part of the pluralist vision of democracy, and highlights some of its failures.

Some of the biggest opponents to this measure were business interest groups, who were concerned that if the measure passed, they would be faced with lawsuits from many years ago and be forced to pay. Business interests groups not only have a major interest in the outcome, they also have almost unlimited financial resources to try and gain support. The other most interest group is women. However, this is a large, diverse group that has more trouble organizing than businesses. Thus, it is easy for business to get the upper hand in most issues in a pluralist democracy.

Another issue with the pluralist vision is that there is no concept of the common good. Businesses (and the Republicans who support them) aren't basing their support on this measure based on whether equal pay for equal work is good for our country. Rather, they are protecting their own interests. The Madisonian vision of democracy not only allows for this, it demands it. But since men aren't angels, what is right and just can get lost in the shuffle.


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