Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Immigration Reform: What do you think?

It is safe to say that people are still cooling down after the heated debate over the Arizona Immigration Bill SB 1070. Well, hold on tight because Texas is voting on another immigration proposal similar to Arizona's. After the change of power that occurred in these boarder states on November 2nd, it is going to be interesting to see what other new legislation is proposed for immigration reform. Despite whether or not you agree that there should be immigration reform, the fact is that there are millions of illegal immigrants living in America today, illegally. So, immigration is a pertinent issue.

The question becomes: How do Americans feel about illegal immigration? Should there be reform? According to an article from the Washington Independent, a majority of people support Obama's plan for immigration reform... and a majority of people are against Obama's plan for immigration reform. According to Lake Research Partners, when polled, "Americans [from both parties] support comprehensive immigration reform" despite being unaware of what the specific reforms would entail. The article goes on to say that according to another research group, Americans are against Obama's immigration reforms and are in favor of an "enforcement-first" strategy (like Arizona's and the proposed in Texas). Well, which is it?

If we were to try to decide the real American attitude towards illegal immigration, we'd have to take a closer look at both polls. How many people were asked? Was it a sample of the relevant population? How were the questions worded? How and when were the questions asked?

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