Joe Biden is their homeboy

American politics news and analysis from the beautiful shores of Lake Waban
The Republican Governor’s association held its annual meeting last week in Austin Texas. Among the attendees were, of course, the newly elected Chris Christie and Bob McDonnell. With both the New Jersey and the Virginia governor’s races over, the effects of those elections are still lingering. Bob McDonnell’s victory in Virginia is causing many to look at his campaign strategy with a mixture of awe and anticipation. With a clear and concise message, McDonnell was able to win over the median voter, and the election.
Mr. Donahue, president of the United States Chamber of Commerce, is vehemently opposed to climate change. Representing over 3 million American businesses, the chamber is one of Washington's most important business interest groups. The chamber of commerce plays a large role in congress, paying millions in the lobbying efforts. As an interest group that represents millions of businesses, it is important to see how the chamber of commerce views climate change legistion. Mr. Donahue has spoken out against the EPA and environmental policy. He represents millions of business and not all have been on board with his controversial comments.
With the release of her new book, a facebook account, and an interview with Oprah, Sarah Palin has once again remerged in the public eye to intense reactions and grass-root support. As crowds rally along her book tour as if she were campaigning, Republicans are faced with a big question: should they relay on this powerful version of populism that Palin is rousing for their future electoral hopes?
The “ordinary citizen” hockey mom has come to embody the anti-elitism and deep skepticism of government that is at the root of populism. Anger due to government bailouts of Wall Street, unchecked actions by the elite, and increased government regulation are motivating this tide of support, which could be very powerful for the republican party, but also very dangerous electorally speaking. As Michael Kazin, a history professor at Georgetown University, says in the New York Times, “People for whom that is the major identity don’t get elected president. It’s a scary way to talk — not a way to talk to persuade people to trust you with power.”
Earlier in the month, President Obama pushed his Afghan war council for revisions in strategy options presented to him before he narrowed in on his final decision on escalating troop levels in Afghanistan. Amongst the options the president is known to be considering are sending in a conservative number like 10,000 to 15,000 troops, a middle-figure of 20,000 or an additional 30,000 to 40,000 (which is General McChrystal’s personal recommendation). However, he decision-making process he is following with regard to increased troop deployment has been a contentious issue – many members of Congress have expressed dissatisfaction with him prolonging his decision and not providing the country with any real direction on the matter, and rival political figures like Dick Cheney have even gone on the record and accused him of “dithering”.
Political pundits have talked about the different factors that have weighed in on his pushing-back of the announcement on the issue – the Afghan elections, Pakistan’s successful military crackdowns against militants or simply the need to make a “wiser decision, that is better for America and the world.” But what about the role of public opinion on the whole matter? As we have seen from Craig Rimmerman’s opinions on the ‘plebiscitary presidency’, “the president seeks to govern though the direct support of the American people.” Obama's strategy session took place just as a new opinion poll showed a growing number of Americans believe the war in Afghanistan is not going well and disapprove of his handling of the situation. Due to the record number of casualties reported this year, public support for the war has eroded. And the president must be aware of the fact that sending in more troops could become a political liability for him ahead of congressional elections next year.
According to Rimmerman, the plebiscitary presidency is characterized by the fact that “presidential power and legitimacy emanates from citizen support as measured through public opinion polls.” Public approval of Obama's handling of Afghanistan has dropped from earlier on in July of this year. 45 percent approve of how Obama is handling the situation in Afghanistan, compared with 48 percent who disapprove -- up one percentage point from just one month ago. And there is no doubt that the Obama administration is aware of these numbers and their implications.
On the one hand, President Obama has to be careful not to displease voters who are already disgruntled with the situation in Afghanistan while at the same time making sure to come to the “right decision” that is in the best interests of the country. According to a Washington Post- ABC News opinion poll released last week, 46 percent of Americans support a large influx of troops to fight insurgents and train the Afghan military, while 45 percent back a smaller number of new U.S. forces more narrowly focused on training. It’s no wonder that President Obama, who must want the majority of Americans to be satisfied with his final decision, is taking so long to announce it! Just judging by the numbers, it appears as though he has a really difficult decision ahead of him. So while Obama’s decision-making process has definitely been influenced by the tensions between several competing considerations, public support, or now the lack of it, is also surely playing a role.
On Friday, November 20, 2009, 152 Catholic bishops sent a declaration to the US Senate. In addition to addressing the sanctity of marriage and religious worship, it condemned the recent Healthcare Reform Bill as unacceptable because of its references to abortion. The bishops would like something similar to the Stupak Amendment to be added into the Senate’s version of the bill. Following this declaration, Representative Patrick Kennedy, son of the late Ted Kennedy, revealed that in early 2007, the Council of Bishops asked him to stop accepting communion because of his stance on abortion. So, is the Church preventing our politicians from worshiping as they choose because of their political stance on hot-button issues? And, how can we trust that elected officials are truly representing the beliefs of their constituents when they face massive pressure from their churches? In this situation, it comes down to a major interest group, namely devoutly Catholic America, using their swing to push through policy that represents what is in the Church’s best interest over that of society. Shouldn’t any woman, whether she sits in church every week or not, be able to choose what happens to her body? Shouldn’t the Church remain in the sphere of worship and faith, leaving politicians to deal with politics?
On November 21, 2009, the Senate voted to advance Obama’s landmark healthcare bill to full debate, including votes on various amendments, after Thanksgiving. The bill will require the majority of Americans to have insurance and offer government aid to those who couldn’t afford it. Large companies and corporations would be required to provide healthcare coverage to their employees. The bill would also create extensive regulation of the insurance industry, including banning the practice of denying coverage to individuals with pre-existing medical conditions. Congress’ budget analysis of the new legislation puts costs at $1 trillion over 10 years. Furthermore, the new plan includes a public health insurance option, a dividing and controversial issue.
On Saturday the Senate voted to open debate on their major health care reform bill. Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas provided the pivotal 60th vote, though she said she made clear she might not support the bill in its final form. But as The New York Times points out, her final vote could be heavily influenced by political, not policy, considerations. She is, after all, up for reelection in November, and her home state is divided on the issue, so she needs to choose her position carefully.
The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) went into effect this weekend. GINA, which the New York Times called “the most important new anti-discrimination law in two decades,” prevents employers and insurance providers from requesting genetic information, like family histories, or requiring genetic testing. GINA will not allow employers to consider this information when hiring, firing, or promoting employees. Health insurance providers will not be able to deny coverage or set premiums and deductibles based on genetic information.
Despite relentless media and political attention to the health care bill, there are in fact many other urgent pieces of legislation that must be renewed or acted upon in some way before the December holiday recess begins. However, there is a backlog in legislative accomplishments in the Senate due to Republicans holding up often routine and popular legislation. In fact, some of the bills the Republicans have delayed, such as an extension on unemployment benefits, ended up passing without any nay votes. These delay tactics point to two major issues in American politics. First, the ability of the Republicans to dramatically slow down the legislative process even though they are in the minority points to the importance of Senate rules. In the House, bills are voted on according to rules set along partisan votes, so it is hard for the minority party to delay votes on non-contentious issues. However, in the Senate the power of the filibuster, holds, and open debate leads to more power for individual Senators, and because of the bicameral legislative system, just a few disgruntled Senators can hold up popular and essential legislation for the whole country. Second, the relatively low profile of many of these important as of yet unapproved appointees and bills highlight the media’s preference for drama and personality (healthcare vote-wrangling and rumors) over procedural issues that are important but complex and dry.
The Supreme Court denied certiorari to McComb v. Crehan and Harjo v. Pro-Football, Inc on Monday and Tuesday, respectively. When the Supreme Court does not hear a case, it reaffirms the decision of the lower courts in that case.
On Nov 10, 2009 Senator Chris Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking committee released an 1,136 page bill designed to transform the financial regulatory system and address the problems that caused the financial crisis. Since the collapse of financial heavyweights like Lehman Brothers and the massive tax-payer bailouts, the White House, House, and Senate have designed proposals for regulatory reform aimed to prevent another financial disaster. Senator Dodd’s plan includes creating a super bank regulator that would take over the Federal Reserve’s and FDIC’s direct supervisory powers, transferring consumer protection responsibilities to a new regulatory agency, and granting greater authority to the Security and Exchanges Commission.
The framers of this great nation’s constitution instilled it with a core of set values, principles, and institutions. One of the most important institutions–if not the most important- is checks and balances. Institutions establish rules, roles and unite people within those roles, therefore inspiring a sense of identity and incentives. The identity of this country has consequently included a sense of limiting the power of any one entity be it a person, a business, an interest group, etc.
In our legislative body, Congress, which is itself checked by two other branches of government, the two houses serve as one of the checks on one another. Within houses, committees, time constraints, and diverse interests serve as other checks and balances. But where there is money involved, people tend to organize very quickly as wolves gather when they spot the day's meal. And with very little checking or balancing how third parties distribute their money, why isn't there more regulation?
Journalist Robert Pear wrote today in the New York Times about how 42 House Representatives on both sides of the aisle submitted very similar statements for the Congressional Record in defense of keeping scientific research jobs in the United States. After the Times informs the reader that these representatives were fed propaganda from Genetech, a large biotech company, and that this same company’s lobbyists’ give generous campaign contributions, Representatives' unity should come as no surprise. But is this democratic? Under a trusteeship vision of democracy –which would be most in support of these schemes than any other view- only a little. We might trust our representatives, once elected, to do whatever they see fit --but can we trust that they will remain so discreet even after wealthy third parties have had a go at them? I don’t think so, and Genetech's broad bipartisan success supports this view.
New Jersey’s gubernatorial election this year between incumbent Democrat Jon Corzine and his Republican rival Chris Christie has received special attention from the White House. President Obama campaigned for Corzine three times during the summer election season. Just two days before the election with Corzine still trailing Christie by several percentage points, President Obama headlined a pair of get-out-the-vote rallies for the unpopular Governor in Newark and Camden, again urging registered Democrats to help him by reelecting Corzine. White House’s anxiety for this race is justified because this election, along two others (Virginia’s gubernatorial election and New York’s 23rd Congressional District election) is the first real test of Obama’s influence among voters since last year’s presidential election. The outcome of these elections will determine whether or not Obama’s popularity had staying power and can be transferred over to other democratic candidates. A positive outcome for Obama will greatly improve his ability to use the power of persuasion with the members of Congress on future key legislatures. “If Corzine can activate the Obama surge vote in New Jersey, that would suggest that last year was more than just a flash, that it has staying power,” said Allan Lichtman, a history professor at American University.
Unfortunately for the Democratcs, Corzine lost the election to Christie despite having spent twice as much money campaigning and having President Obama as his speaker. Christie’s win marks the Republicans’ first gubernatorial victory in New Jersey in a dozen years. To many, this naturally suggests that Obama was losing his star power. Some Republicans even went as far as to say that voters were “reacting to Obama’s policies” by voting Republican. However, these assumptions are ungrounded because they do not take into account that Corzine had been highly unpopular since he had been elected. Polls before the election showed that voters in New Jersey remained strongly supportive of President Obama. In another poll, 76 percent of New Jersey voters said that their vote in the governor’s race will be based solely on state and local issues. 70 percent of voters in a similar poll said that Obama actively campaign for Corzine would have no impact on their vote in the race.
Although it is dubious what Corzine’s loss say about Obama influence among voters in New Jersey, many democrats may indeed view this loss as an indication of Obama’s declining presidential power. Presidential power is framed by three determinants, one of which is presidential popularity. Party Democrats may see Obama’s inability to elect Corzine in New Jersey as a sign that Obama is losing his popularity and his influence on voters. As a result, they may not be compelled to vote with the president on future legislatures. Similarly, Obama can no longer use his influence over voters to bargain with members of the Congress or candidates of an election, diminishing his power of persuasion.
A way for a President to impact the United States even after his term limits have forced him out of office is to appoint judges thar share their ideology to the judiciary. Judges have longer term limits than the President does and they therefore have the ability to make landmark decisions that can shape the country long after the President has left office. Why then, one must wonder, is President Obama not taking advantage of this with judicial appointments?
This is the argument that liberals are making in America today. They are not happy with the number of nominations placed by President Obama for appellate and district court judges, nor should they be. Placing Sotomayor on the Supreme Court is not enough. With over 100 spots open for judges, President Obama needs to make a priority of this issue and realize that there is more than one court making key decisions for this country. The fact that he is not taking action is worsened by the fact that there is no better time to place nominations than today because Republicans do not have enough Senators to attempt a filibuster; this might not be true next year after the 2010 midterm elections. There are at least going to be 36 seats up for election and it is unclear that the political environment will be favorable for the President’s party.
As such, President Obama needs to take action today. Our Constitution is set up so that Senators have to approve the President’s nominations. This empowers them, it gives the Senate a say to who is going to be placed on the courts. The minority still has ability to hold back these actions, however, there is only so much that the Republican party can do to stop the nominations as currently positioned. By nominating so few judges, he is losing a key opportunity. It is important to nominate judges with high chances of getting approved, but he is wasting too much time and leaving spots open.
Next month, world governments are to convene at COP15, the UN climate-change summit in Copenhagen to discuss and craft a new protocol aimed at reducing global warming because the Kyoto Protocol is soon expiring. However, diplomats and environmentalists, especially global climate change negotiators are worried that there would be no final agreement between developed and developing countries in regards to the limit on green house gas emissions. There have been many disagreements in regard to the limit of green house emission in different countries obviously, since developing countries believe it’s unfair for them to cut their national emissions when already developed countries like the United States, who were responsible for a large amount of current and past emissions to not yield and cut their emissions by significantly.
Currently, the United States is still in talks in finalizing the debate over the carbon emission cap. Although the House has already approved a bill that would limit the US green house gas emissions, the Senate is still deadlocked and have not yet signed the bill. This consequently causes other developing nations like India and China to wait before handing in their proposal for emission cuts, thus, delaying talks for a full, legal binding treaty for parties to ratify on environmental conditions.
The deadlock and difficulty in different countries to come up with official treaties on greenhouse gas emissions has to do with the UN’s lack of power to command. The UN is in a way like the US Supreme Court, as it has neither “force nor will” to direct the nations in the world to do as they say. They lack both the sword and the purse since they cannot force any nation to follow a set of rules, like abiding by certain environmental laws and cut back on emission since they do not have the wealth, hence incentive, for countries to listen to them, and at the same time, if a country were to walk out on the rules and not abide by them, there will be no repercussion, at least not the UN’s part since they cannot stake out an army against that country and forcibly make sure the country follows the gas emission caps. A total disregard for the UN can be seen in previous talks in Barcelona, where 50 African nations walked out on talks, protesting richer nations for not yielding to a significant drop in greenhouse emissions in the year 2020. In this way, the UN is a lot like the Supreme Court in that the only way the UN would have any power is if all the countries listened to the UN, which clearly isn’t the case currently with so many different country leaders at squabbles with each other over how much gas emissions to limit, all wanting to limit the least amount they possibly can.
During her time as a Justice on the Supreme Court, Sandra Day O'Connor stressed the importance of legitimacy as a means of upholding Court rulings. Legitimacy was the order of the day in the Supreme Court's recent ruling on Bobby v. Van Hook. Accused and convicted of aggravated murder, with capital specification and aggravated robbery of David Self in 1985, Robert J. Van Hook was sentenced to death. Van Hook filed 17 claims for post-conviction relief, appeals and rehearings--all of which were denied by the District Court. The Sixth Circuit Court, however, sided with Mr. Van Hook stating that his lawyers were remiss in their responsibilities during sentencing---his attorney's did not fully grasp the effects of his childhood, a tumultuous time of both physical and emotional abuse as a result of his parents substance abuse. Because his attorney's had not gathered sufficient information during investigation and, as a result, could not work diligently to alleviate the sentence.
On November 13, the Obama administration announced that the self-proclaimed “mastermind” of the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, would be tried in a Manhattan federal courtroom...mere blocks away from Ground Zero. While many Democrats and civil-liberties/human-rights groups are pleased by Obama’s decision to prosecute Mohammed on American grounds, others argue that al Qaeda suspects do not “deserve” the rights guaranteed by the American justice system, claiming that the “interests of liberal special interest groups would be put before the safety and security of the American people." Accordingly, the latter group insists that accused Al Qaeda members be prosecuted before special military tribunals, as they had been previously during the Bush administration. However, Obama has stated that while his ultimate goal is to close down all military prison camps such as Guantanamo, some suspects would be tried in civilian courts, while others, depending on several factors that are to be evaluated by Justice and Pentagon prosecutors, would be tried in “modified” military commissions.
Nonetheless, the prosecution of detainees on American grounds may be seen as a markedly different approach from the policies of the Bush administration. Many see the decision to revert back to the court system as a significant step towards dismantling President Bush’s highly controversial executive orders/unilateral directives, which not only suspended the liberties and rights of the accused, but also stripped the courts and Congress of some of its powers. While the executive orders of President Bush, according to Howell, pretty much fused all three separate powers in one person, President Obama’s decision to bring Mohammed’s case to the American people upholds the Madisonian system of separation of powers and the ideals of democracy (in the classical sense). In contrast to the military commissions which were under the president's jurisdiction, the civilian trial of Mohammed, gives back to ordinary citizens the power to participate in the judicial system; this may be seen as a feat for the American legal system and the rule of law (namely due process). As Obama put it, “I am absolutely convinced that Khalid Sheik Mohammed will be subject to the most exacting demands of justice.”
In light of the November 5, 2009 attack on Fort Hood, Army officials and Muslim servicemembers have expressed concern of a possible backlash against Muslims in the military. Whether or not Major Nidal Malik Hasan's religion played a role in his attack should not matter. He is one man out of 3,000 other Muslim servicemembers. When one Christian commits a similar act, we do not condemn all Christians. We did not denounce Christianity when Timothy McVeigh, a white Christian, bombed the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City. In this case, however, there has been some talk of removing Muslims from the military. Timothy Rollins of Oklahoma even called for the "honorable discharge" of all Muslims in the Armed Forces.
Labels: American Values, Fort Hood, Racism
One would think (or hope, in some cases) that the setbacks in California and Maine would deter gay rights advocates from continuing the fight for the legalization of same-sex marriage but really, it hasn't. Governor David A. Paterson is trying to pass a bill legalizing same-sex marriage in New York.
In this Thursday’s economist, the magazine depicts both House majority leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate majority leader Harry Reid in a relay race passing off a stick of dynamite. It is no surprise that this is an accurate depiction of the pending doom for the healthcare bill in the Senate.
The healthcare bill barely passed by a small 220-215 margin in the house. Although the bill squeezed through the house, democrats should not celebrate yet, as it will most likely not fare as well in the senate. Senate majority leader Reid already has democrat senators from conservative states that are hesitant to vote for the bill such as Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana. Even Senator Joe Liebermann, one of two independents in the Senate who is strategically necessary to supplement Reid’s fifty-eight democrats, threatens to filibuster any bill containing a public plan.
The bill passing in the house simply shows that the American people as a whole recognize the rising cost of healthcare. The reluctance of senators to vote for the bill shows that it will most likely not pass as currently written. In recognition of this, House majority leader Nancy Pelosi has even revived the idea of a "public-option" that will enable private insurance companies to compete with a government-run insurer to maintain America's capitalist form of economy. The final product of this bill, whatever it may be, will be a unique and reflection of the overall basic ideas of Samuel Huntington's American Creed, including its stresses on individualism, equality, and liberty. It will expand choices of the individual on their care by introducing this "public-option" and will enable thirty-nine million uninsured people to get the care that they need.
Labels: health care
On Thursday, Politico reported that the RNC has been offering its employees a health care policy that covers elective abortions since 1991. Cigna employees were cited as saying that the RNC had the choice to opt out of the abortion coverage, but failed to do so. Michael Steele, the RNC chairman, apparently didn’t know about the abortion coverage until the news report on Thursday. He made a statement on Friday saying, “Money from our loyal donors should not be used for this purpose. I don’t know why this policy existed in the past, but it will not exist under my administration. Consider this issue settled.” RNC spokeswoman Gail Gitcho said that Steele immediately told staff to tell Cigna that the RNC wanted to opt out of the abortion coverage.
This discovery is surprising because “the GOP platform traditionally includes strong anti-abortion language.” All but one of the Republicans in the House voted for the Stupak amendment, an amendment restricting abortion coverage. This amendment has placed the Democrats in a difficult position. They want the health care bill to go through, but many of them are not happy with the restrictions put in place by the Stupak amendment. If the amendment remains on the health care bill, the pro-choice Democrats will have to decide if it is more important to support health care reform or women’s rights.
Labels: abortion, GOP, health care, RNC
Now that the issue of health care reform has somewhat subsided, more proposals on the government agenda are gaining attention; one of them is the topic of immigration. The Obama administration has recently decided to push for measures giving legal status to illegal immigrants in the United States early next year. Advocates plan to push for legislation that will revise and make adjustments to the immigration system as stated by Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Secretary. This is the administration’s answer to criticism about the detainment of immigration violators, and its hopes to create a “truly civil detention system.”
On November 5, 2009, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, an Army psychiatrist at Fort Hood, killed 13 people and wounded 30. Hasan himself was shot four times but is still alive. The shooting took place at 1:30 P.M.. at the Soldier Readiness Processing Center of Fort Hood and it was not until after 7 P.M. that the gates of Fort Hood could be reopened.
Why did Major Hasan decide to go on a shooting rampage just before deployment? In the army, Hasan faced anti-Muslim harassment. Hasan was ordered to be deployed and wanted to be discharged but was told that it was practically impossible. According to the NY times, Hasan “was wrestling with the quandary of being a Muslim officer in an army fighting other Muslims”. Many people are asking if this disaster could have been prevented. Did the Army overlook obvious signs of Hasan’s discontent? It is obvious that the Army missed something otherwise the shooting would not have happened.
During this time of chaos, the people have looked to the President for answers. America has turned to Obama for two reasons. The first reason is that U.S. system of government fuses the head of state and head of government into a single individual, the president. Obama urges everyone to stay calm until all the facts are out. The second reason has to do with Wildavsky’s idea of two presidencies. He argues that the president is in charge of foreign policy and congress and others are in charge of domestic policy. Because there has been suggestions that Hasan’s rampage was an act of terrorism, we look to the president who is responsible for foreign policy to explain.
Described by President Obama as a “milestone” in the Iraqi pursuit of sovereignty, the Iraqi parliament has approved an election reform. The law calls for a general election to be held in January of next year, after which the US intends for a withdrawal of 120,000 troops but leaving 50,000 troops by next August. The success of such an election will have lasting effects on both the domestic and international perception on the US effort in Iraq.
Dede Scozzafava, an Assemblywoman from District 122 of New York, has the Republican Party worried.
In many states and countries, a major source of pride is the intellectual caliber they posses. Focus is placed on how smart the children are, how they rank in comparison to the rest of the country and the world, and how comprehensive the education provided by their schools is. The commonwealth of Massachusetts is no exception. Following the Education Reform
Labels: E
The modern American vision of Democracy remains faithful to the one proposed by our Founding Fathers. Since the implementation of the Constitution in place of the Articles of Confederation, our country has stood firmly by the Federalist system: whereas many countries allow one central government to decide on public policy, much United States legislation is determined through its fifty state governments.
The Washington Post reports that Rep. Joseph Cao of Louisianna was the only 1 of 177 Republicans in the House of Representatives to vote in favor of the democratically backed health care bill. Although this vote was cast after the 218 votes necessary for enactment had been placed, Rep. Cao had defied his party's expectation and strengthened the bill by giving it much needed bi-partisan support.
Thousands of protesters gathered on the lawn of the Capitol building on Thursday November 5 to voice their opposition to the House health care bill set for a vote on Saturday November 7. Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (R-Minn) had invited them to assemble a weak earlier during an appearance on Sean Hannity's Fox News program. The event was promoted as a Super Bowl of Freedom, a modern take on the Boston Tea Party. It featured fiery speeches by Republican leaders, including House Minority Leader John Boehner, Minority Whip Eric Cantor, Republican congress members and actor John Voight. Following the rally, the protesters demonstrated in Speaker Pelosi's office. A similar event took place on Saturday, as the bill moved through debate and voting in the House.
According to Samuel P. Huntington, Americans live by an "American creed." This creed is a set of values that all Americans believe in and live by. Political debates are therefore just a reallocation of existing values. One such value is the equality of opportunity. We cannot guarantee that all Americans achieve success, but we do believe that all citizens of our nation should have the opportunity to achieve success if they wish to. But how does this idea play out in relationships with other nations? Do we have the right, or even the responsibility, to restrict other nations when they threaten our opportunity to "succeed?"
For those who threw their support behind Barack Obama and his enlightened campaign promises, his tendency to compromise in office has been a disappointment. There is no denying that the ability to compromise is an invaluable tool, and perhaps it will be what gets him re-elected. However, it leaves some of those who voted for him based on a strongly held political belief wonder why they did. One such promise dealt with the issue of federal funding for faith-based charities. President Obama assured voters last year that while he supported government’s cooperation with religious charity, he would curtail funding to groups that proselytized or discriminated in hiring based on a candidate’s religious beliefs. Before the Bush years, most of these nonprofits who received federal grants simply assumed they could not do these things. However, President Bush issued a memo while in office, presumably to woo his conservative Christian supporters, that essentially permitted them. Americans United for the Separation of Church and State called it “flatly erroneous,” and “legally suspect.” Many groups and voters have urged the new president to remedy the situation.
While health care reform has been drawing national attention, whether Obama's stimulus package is working is brought into question. According to the labor department, American unemployment rate surged to 10.2 percent in October, its highest level in 26 years, as the economy lost another 190,000 jobs.This sharp rise in unemployment created fresh tension into the debate over economic policy in Washington. Republicans point to elevated unemployment as proof that the Obama administration’s $787 billion spending package aimed at stimulating the economy had failed. Labor unions and some Democrats are calling for another round of spending to create more jobs. Democrats seemed to be more optimistic in terms of the economic situation, arguing that moderating pace of job lossess indicates that the economy is recovering.
The campaign for same-sex couples to be recognized and married in the eyes of the law will continue in light of Issue 1's loss in Maine's election last Tuesday. While they managed to raise twice as much money as their opponents and convinced Gov. John Baldacci to be the first in the US to sign a same-sex marriage bill this past May, the electorate had other plans. Coming to the voters as a referendum, the people of Maine voted 53-47 against the legislation.
Labels: Maine Same-Sex Marriage Baldacci Referendum Plebiscitary