US Proposes Peacekeeping Force in Somalia
The United States has drafted a resolution calling for a regional peacekeeping force to be sent to Somalia. American ambassador John Bolton argues that the 8,000 troops are necessary to stabilize the region. The force would be composed of troops from other African nations, intentionally excluding neighboring countries to prevent further conflict. The resolution asks for a peaceful settlement with the Union of Islamic Courts which has been fighting the interim Somali government, formed two years ago, and its predecessor for control of the country. This alliance has also been recently linked to Hezbollah and is considered by the United States to be a great threat to security. To arm the necessary forces, the resolution would also allow for a lift on the UN arms embargo put in place in 1992. There are fears however that the peacekeeping force could only spark further violence in the precarious setting, but Bolton argues that some form of action must be taken. Other countries’ opinions are hoped to be considered in meetings as early as Monday in the drafting process.
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