Sunday, November 26, 2006

Rudy Explores Presidential Bid

Former Mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani filed papers with the Federal Elections Commission just before Thanksgiving to create a presidential exploratory committee, reports the New York Times. This enables him to begin fundraising, spending campaign money and travel but cannot declare himself as a candidate yet.

Some dismiss him for his moderate views, especially regarding abortion and gay rights. Nevertheless, with his pre and post 9/11 stellar record, widespread popularity and eloquence, an unorthodox candidate such as Giuliani might be what the Republicans need to continue occupying the Oval Office. While experts on Capitol Hill have offered him free advice through the New York Times such as "Evolve but don't be Phony", "Surrender on Abortion", "Go for the Big Tent" and "Model Yourself on Schwarzenegger", it is how Giuliani decides to position himself that is key.

CNN's latest polls indicate that Giuliani is leading fellow Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona by a slim margin. However the billion-dollar question is who else is running on either the Republican or Democratic front and who will have the power and persuasian to win.


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