Saturday, November 04, 2006

Immigration Paranoia?

According to the November 2nd Washington Post ,“ Second generation immigrants have become more successful than Americans who have more history here” .According to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a higher percentage of 2nd generation immigrants graduate from college than 3rd or 4th generation Americans. There is also an increasing percentage of 2nd generation immigrants that pursues careers in law or medicine. What conclusions might we draw from these statistics? Is it that 2nd generation immigrants are under an extreme amount of pressure? Do they see professions such as law and medicine as the only options? Might these statistics influence American citizens to be more interested in immigration policies or benefits for immigrants?

The Seattle Times reported that n an effort to demonstrate the effectiveness of increased Border Patrol, in its annual statistics on illegal immigration, the Homeland Security Department released statistics that Border Patrol agents have made fewer arrests of illegal immigrants trying to enter the country this year than last year. However, these statistics have not led to less strict monitoring of US borders. In fact, Texas just launched a program which involves installing network surveillance cameras around its borders and the public helps monitor them. The program was announced over the summer, but since its launch has had many technical difficulties. While the current problems are being fixed, the effectiveness of this program does not look too optimistic.


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