Thursday, October 26, 2006

Mudslinging, the New Prime Time Soap Opera

The only thing that seems to be happening in Massachusetts, is the much anticipated and fast approaching Governor race. There is much momentum on both sides, as they try to rally any last support before the election. However, not all attempts seem completely friendly. Deval Patrick, for example, has often been heard quoting the figure that under Gov. Romney Massachusetts has lost 148,000 jobs. However, the Boston Globe reports that this number is far from accurate, relying on the job peak back in 2001. Overall, under Gov. Romney Massachusetts has gained over 13,000 jobs.

Despite this small glitch, Patrick seems to be way ahead in the polls. The 7News-Suffolk University poll released just before the most recent debate, showed Patrick widening his lead, as discontent with Lt. Governor Healey’s aggressive ads grows. “Sixty-one percent of those surveyed said the tone of Healey's campaign made them less likely to vote for her, and 53 percent said they had an unfavorable view of Healey. By contrast, 60 percent of voters had a positive view of Patrick, whose lead grew from 21 to 27 percentage points this month” (The Globe). Independents specifically have been turned off by Healey’s negative ads.

Good thing there's no World Series this year to distract us from the mudslinging this political season.


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