Thursday, December 04, 2008

Oh, The Perils of Polling

In response to the various state bans discriminating against homosexuals, including Proposition 8, that were passed November 4, 2008, GLAAD in partnership with Harris Interactive created a survey titled "Pulse of Equality". This poll's results were published this Wednesday, December 3, 2008, and claimed an overwhelming national support for gay marriage or civil unions, among other important gay right's issues. GLAAD states that 75 % of U.S adults favor either gay marriage or civil unions.

While it is wonderful that this poll found such an overwhelmingly positive response to its questions on gay rights, it is hard to say that the nation supports gay marriage and the like solely based upon one poll. It is well known that polls must be taken with a grain of salt considering the many things that could have gone wrong. Although the margin of error in this poll was just -/+ 2, it is important to note that this was a telephone based survey. So, what about Americans who do not use telephones? Also, is it possible that those in favor of gay rights would be more eager to answer "The Pulse of Equality"? Moreover, it leaves one to wonder how Proposition 8 in California, and other similar constitutional bans on same-sex marriage or adoption, have passed this November.

While the poll's results are uplifting, it is too soon to say if America is as supportive of gay rights as the "Pulse of Equality" purports.


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