Friday, March 21, 2008

McCain (oh yeah, and others) Visit Israel

This week, Senators Joe Lieberman, Lindsey Graham, and (the star of the show) John McCain took a trip to the other side of the world to see how everyone else is doing. The trip includes stops in Iraq, Jordan, Israel, England, and France. The purpose of the trip, according to McCain, is not politics, but rather "only talking national security."

As a ranking member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, McCain, along with Lieberman, and Graham (who, by the way, are two of his closest allies in the Senate) were able to go on this trip, which included a stop in Israel. He met with many top Israeli officials including Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, and Likud party leader Benyamin Netanyahu. He also called Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas to discuss his committment to the peace process. McCain was happy to report back that Abbas is still on board. Good. As if he would tell McCain if he weren't.

How convenient. McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee gets to take a theoretically non-political trip to Israel to rub shoulders with the leaders of America's greatest ally. Meanwhile back home, the Dems are still fighting like little school children. Republicans traditionally are known for being the party that is stronger on national security anyway, as opposed to the Democrats who have traditionally had a stronghold on domestic issues.

And no matter how non-political this trip was supposed to be, it can't be ignored that it was the "John McCain Show," featuring Lieberman and Graham, standing patiently on the side ready to whisper in McCain's ear when he makes a mistake. Who was always standing in the middle, speaking first and answering most of the questions? I'll give you a hint. He's the one running for President.


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