Sunday, May 06, 2007

Women Need to Support Clinton

Hillary Clinton is relying more and more on women for campaign contributions to keep up with Barack Obama. Only 27% of fundraised dollars come from women, but with a woman running for president, Clinton thinks she can change that. Women are interested in politics and have money to donate, but they feel that their views have not been recognized by potential candidates. Until now? Women’s groups, such as the National Organization for Women have already officially endorsed Clinton. So has Emily’s List, “the largest grassroots political network…dedicated to building a progressive America by electing pro-choice Democratic women to federal, state, and local office.” These groups are helping Clinton raise money by reaching out to its members on her behalf. "I think women are going to be the foundation of her victory," said Ellen R. Malcolm, president of Emily's List. If Clinton can get most of the women’s vote, which you would think is very possible, she has a huge chance of winning the election.


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