Saturday, October 28, 2006

Is the GOP Terrorizing America?

A small debate erupted earlier this week regarding MSNBC host Keith Olbermann's assertion that a recent GOP advertisement is an example of terrorism. The ad features Osama bin Laden and others speaking against and threatening America, in order to stress dangers to our country and champion the national security issue in the upcoming midterm elections. Olbermann uses the definition of "terrorize" to compare the Republican effort to those of al-Qaeda and other groups:
"By this definition, the people who put these videos together, first the terrorists and then the administration, whose shared goal is to scare you into panicking instead of thinking, they are the ones terrorizing you. By this definition, the leading terrorist group in this world right now is al-Qaeda. But the leading terrorist group in this country right now is the Republican Party."
While the balance of the segment illustrates the extremity of Olbermann's anti-Bush viewpoint, he raises a good point regarding political tactics. Of course, blogosphere response ranges from "Olbermann makes a wonderful point" to comparing him to "some 'peace activist' moron."


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